Wednesday, February 26, 2014

twenty-five // personal post

Tonight, as we speak. I have a huge chunk of the best, warm, home made (by the sweet boyfriend I should add) German chocolate cake + a cold glass of milk. needless to say... my taste-buds are the happiest they've been in a while. All today I have celebrated turning 25, and I have to say that it was truly one of the better birthdays that I have had in at least, 3 years. I truly relaxed. There was no stress.. and guys... that is something that doesn't happen for this girl very often, so I have relished in it. Allowed the joy that I do have in my life to consume me. I slept in and snuggled with my puppies. Received the kindest words from so many friends and family members so close to my heart, and felt the love swell in my soul. I tried to take extra notice of the little things and totally LOVED the rain that fell from the sky today. Typically I will soak up the sunshine, but today the rain.. it washed over me and refreshed me in a way. Just what I needed for turning 25.

And these sweet birthday flowers were way to pretty not to share :)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you saved a piece of cake for your chocaholic friend over here! Happy birthday, friend. We love you, J, and the pups!
