Friday, February 28, 2014

March goals // a personal post

    You guys, February flew by even faster than January did. At this rate, I might as well begin my 2015 resolution list..But I do have to say that February was a fairly amazing month. My kitchen floor is no longer a slab!!! After it being that way for almost 3 (yes, t h r e e extremely cold on my morning feet months) I have been almost excited to mop. I don't think that it will last very long ;) but I am so thankful that it is coming back together. I also attended an amazing workshop. It has helped change the way that I run my business, not only for me, but for my clients in the best of ways.... I cannot wait to spread the love that I know will come with it. I also had an amazing birthday. It was one of the best in YEARS. But enough about the wonderful things that February brought on, March - we've got some goals to meet!

1.       Create a personal budget
2.       Make the bed every day // When I did this in January, I felt like I also had a clean mind and fell out of the routine with Feb.. so its time to bring it back on
3.       Think before speaking... always always always
4.       Project simplify: donate extra + unused to good will
5.       Connect with my core and work more on the re-branding structure for Callie Ann Photography
6.       Keep my sanity with a crazy work//travel schedule
7.       Set aside time just for friends
8.       Announce office hours! (& stick to them) 

      I will be taking two weekends in March where I will be in Lufkin for three days each (all dates are currently booked with sessions, sorry!). I also have booked a few more sessions than I typically do for a few last minute 2014 Seniors who are needing images before yearbook deadlines. Needless to say, I am crazy busy but I am so excited about the challenge ahead. I truly love each of my clients and have a ton of fun when we get the chance to go out for a session. I am also going to try my best to stick with strict office hours so that I also can keep my sanity, and focus, during this time.  
     I hope that everyone else has had an amazing month! 

      Live beautifully,
      Callie Ann 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

twenty-five // personal post

Tonight, as we speak. I have a huge chunk of the best, warm, home made (by the sweet boyfriend I should add) German chocolate cake + a cold glass of milk. needless to say... my taste-buds are the happiest they've been in a while. All today I have celebrated turning 25, and I have to say that it was truly one of the better birthdays that I have had in at least, 3 years. I truly relaxed. There was no stress.. and guys... that is something that doesn't happen for this girl very often, so I have relished in it. Allowed the joy that I do have in my life to consume me. I slept in and snuggled with my puppies. Received the kindest words from so many friends and family members so close to my heart, and felt the love swell in my soul. I tried to take extra notice of the little things and totally LOVED the rain that fell from the sky today. Typically I will soak up the sunshine, but today the rain.. it washed over me and refreshed me in a way. Just what I needed for turning 25.

And these sweet birthday flowers were way to pretty not to share :)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Leslie | Senior Portraits styled session

Im beyond ready to take this girl out for her second half of this session.. due to the weather, we were only able to go have fun for 20-ish minutes. Isnt she fabulous?!

"Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink the wild air" --Emerson

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Coffee Break // a personal post

When things get a little crazy, sometimes all a girl needs is a coffee break. literally. to just get out of your office and take a breath of fresh air- to vent and get your thoughts back in order. to bounce off ideas and just say "hey, whats going on.. how is your life.. and lets talk about some fun creative stuff."  Luckily, I have an amazing friend who has the sweetest soul and cutest family. & getting to have coffee in the most unique little cafe.. it is exactly what this girl needed.

Jenna is a fellow photographer friend of mine, and was actually in the middle of making a big move +  some changes when we met up. She told me about a cafe called Eatsie Boys .. y'all. it is super cute and so unique. perfectly perfect for what my soul needed to see. If you are ever in the Rice Village area in Houston and just want to take a break, this is the place to go. Just being there made me want to start doing new things + after meeting with my wonderful friend, I left feeling like changes were going to be coming. They are needed. & I cant wait for them to be in full force.

I hate that Jenna and I didn't get a picture together...I know. fail... but I cant wait to see where she goes and what she accomplishes. Plus, I love seeing her posts of her super-cute family

I am so thankful for coffee breaks. This is going to happen a little more often <3

Live beautifully,
Callie Ann

Friday, February 7, 2014

Kelby | Newborn Portraits

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." - Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Oh Baby | Newborn

When I went over to baby Kelby's home, I was instantly head-over-heals with how his momma, Lynsey, decorated his room. I did her maternity pictures not long ago + I was ecstatic when she told me that Kelby was finally here.
 I feel like when you have a baby so much thought can go into the little things, like the outfit to bring them home in, the shoes that they will wear for the first time, and especially how you want the nursery. The place you will snuggle your little one into bed or rock away with sweet lullabies. Lynsey created such a oasis for Kelby, and I just had to take the time to capture what she had created for her little one to begin to grow in.

& common, how could vintage Winnie-the-Pooh be any more perfect?